Thanks to Marion Louis, this Vietnamese Martial Arts school was introduced in France from the 60s. Marion Louis met within the context of his work a slim man who proved to be a formidable expert.
The Minh Long style has been taught in France by Master Tranh Minh Long since 1962. This style took his roots from the Hoang schools in Lang Son (North Vietnam).
Tran Minh Long Master was born in 1925 in Lang Son (North Vietnam). He followed the instruction of the Great Master Hoang (1) and the knowledge of his own uncle. It was a fearsome warlord, forced to leave his own country. He settled in the area of Paris, where he did casual jobs for a living, in order to specialize in electricity.
When Louis Marion discovered the Vo Co Truyen expertise of Tran Minh Long, he asked him to teach in his own arms room in Boulogne sur Mer.
The Minh Long style took his roots from the oldest Vietnamese martial arts techniques. His story is closely linked to the development of Buddhism in the country. Introduced from the beginning of the Christian era by Indian sailors, the Thien School (or Zen for the Japanese) only developed in the 10th century (i.e. during the liberation from the Chinese occupation).
The organization of the Temples didn’t come necessarily with the instruction of Martial Arts. In the 14th century, the dynastic change and the adoption of Confucianism as an official doctrine caused the persecution of Thien Buddhism. Besides, the martial arts schools linked to Thien Buddhism were considerated as dangerous by the new power and were prohibited. The disciples scattered all over the country, avoiding the persecutions.
This crisis marked the beginning of a new practice, an underground one. However, though they were separated, the former disciples organized secrete societies, and took the generic name of Hoang (which means yellow). These various Hoang Schools carried on the martial instruction until now. The Minh Long style comes directly from the Hoang Schools which are in the town of Lang Son (North Vietnam).
The learning of the Hoang Martial Arts was composed of the Sino-Indian Medicine, the health exercises, the bare-knuckle combat, the technical use of arms and the study of philosophical principles.
The majority of Masters who left Vietnam came naturally in France. In this way, in 1973, the Viet Vo Dao French Federation was officially and legally created, thanks to the initiative of Master Phan Hoang, a co disciple of Master Tran Minh Long. It showed the gratitude of this sport in France.
In his area, Master Tran Minh Long taught to Frédéric Marion, Olivier Marion and gave them all his knowledge. Unfortunately, the premature death of the Master put an end to the instruction. However, Master Louis Marion, called as the depository of the style by the Master himself, worked to perpetuate the style.
At the beginning, the style stayed in the North of France. Then, it expanded owing to the implication of Frédéric Marion, by training and gaining followers during several years in the Centre, the South, the East and the West of France
He implemented a step by step, dynamic and attainable program in the respect of the tradition. The team formed by his followers grew up and allowed him to devote more time to the Minh Long style.
In the 80s, he wondered about the reality of his instruction because the Master was not here any more to reinforce his choices. So, he decided to find the roots of the style in Vietnam.
After several incidents, he found the legacy of the cradle. Nowadays, the style keeps unfailing links with local masters and federal officials. It led to the creation of Minh Long France in 2001, in order to run the evolution of the style well.
The dynamism still over here, the trust is perpetuated, the Minh Long style can be delighted to allow his members to follow their ways.
Source : Aziz ABDOUSS
Translated by Evelyne Vallée